Yahoo! vs Goooooogle
When I discovered the net, I thought yahoo was the way to go: cool search engine, cool messenger, cool "my yahoo" page that allows you to save your bookmaks online, cool personal space on geocities, in short, it ruled!!!then my boyfriend told me about google. no need to say I hated google by that time, well I wasn't used to it at, no need to say it's my reference search engine, blog spot, and even email! easily customizable in outlook/thunderbird, gmail is the big plus! for instance, I think the way yahoo 360° is laid out, it is had to understand at first sight... like although they have this cool blog roll thing, it's not attractive at first sight. I know because I tried it. well of course I didn't look into it as much as maybe I should have but the thing is, if the first impression is bad, most web surfers wont even take a look at the content, they'll just close the window or look for another site.I also tried this xanga's ok, although I never really got to understanding completely how it works (how come one cannot post comments unless they have signed up first, that's not cool, and it deters many users from leaving comments for Xanga bloggers to read) so I decided to try out blogspot when I heard of it, and honestly I like it, simple design, customizable, and neat. and now, I am sponsored by google. except that I kept my yahoo as a bookmark safe and also my geocities site, because it's cool and easy to customize.
How do feel about Google now that is folded to censorship, becuase China wants to keep its people from knowing the truth.
well i think it's bad, poor chinese people.... but isn't it the decision of the chinese gov't?
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